Key takeaways from Advancing your tax career – Wayne Monfries

March 16, 2023

Jack Hart recently hosted our first webinar in the US – Advancing your tax career, where he asked our panelists about their elevated strengths. We asked each to share the biggest change they’ve seen in soft skills needed, during their careers.

What is the biggest change in soft skills needed you’ve seen since the start of your career?

One of our panellists was Wayne Monfries, SVP Head of Global Tax at Visa. Wayne discussed that these soft skill requirements will continue to change throughtout your career when approaching different levels. When Wayne started, he commented that this was to make tax as ‘complicated as possible’. But, as your constigancy becomes less tax during your career path, he added that you become more of a translator.

The key Wayne learnt is to be this translator and oposed to complicating tax – you need to make your colleagues leave the covnersation with understanding how what you’re trying deliver effects and impacts them.

You can watch the webinar in full here.

Meet the host

Jack Hart
Director | Head of In-house | North America
+1 646 918 9110
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